Undergraduate Research Poster Session
Thursday, February 20
1750 University Hall
The Poster Session is an opportunity for undergraduate students who were recently or are currently engaged in a research project connected to a field of study housed in the School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics, to share their findings with the UIC community. Participants will design posters that highlight the key insights of their research and will present the posters along with a summary of their project.
Presenters: Heading link
Matthew Bulanda (Psychology; Advisor: Iwona B. Lech)
- Emotion and Perseverance in Online Informal Language Learning. An Experimental Intervention
Hannah Chaddha (Biology and Spanish; Faculty Advisor: Kara Morgan-Short)
- The Role of Personality in Implicit Second Language Learning
Cassie Hernandez (Polish, Russian, and Central and Eastern European Studies; Faculty Advisor: Michał Markowski)
- Theological Implications of Narrative Forms in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Idiot
Tristen Ortiz (English; Faculty Advisor: Karen Underhill)
Modern Midrash in the Radical Vernacular, from Yiddish Poland to Black America: The
- Deconstruction of Foundational Cultural Myths in the Work of Itzik Manger and Kendrick Lamar
Lily Schreiner (Germanic Studies and Biological Sciences; Faculty Advisor: Imke Meyer)
- Authority Undone: Exploring German Expressionist Cinema in the Weimar Republic
Co-Sponsor: Heading link

Co-Sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Academic Programs.