The Soundscapes of Culture
Thurs, Feb. 27 Heading link
8:45 Coffee (1501 UH)
9:00 Welcome Remarks (1501 UH)
9:15-10:30 The Relationships Between Words and Music (1501 UH)
- David Weible (Germanic Studies): “Prima la musica, dopo le parole — Prima le parole, dopo la musica.”
- Bernie Issa (Hispanic & Italian): Musical Background and Second Language Morphosyntactic Development: A Longitudinal Investigation
- Imke Meyer (Germanic Studies): Music and the Anti-Semitic Imagination in Fin-de-siècle Vienna: Schnitzler’s Leutnant Gustl, Wagner’s Lohengrin, and Mendelssohn’s Paulus-Oratorium
10:00-11:30 Undergrad Research Poster Session (1650 UH)
10:45-12:00 Narrative and Transgression (1501 UH)
- Xabier Granja (Hispanic & Italian): Aggression, Sexual Narrative And Political Expectations In Maria De Zayas’ Storytelling
- Dolly Weber (French): Listening to St. Nicholas: Hearing with Medieval Ears
- Chiara Fabbian (Hispanic & Italian): Embracing The Body: A Woman’s Journey In Il Paese Del Vento Grazia Deledda
12:00-1:00 Lunch (1650 UH)
1:00-2:15 Myth, National Identity, and Tradition (1501 UH)
- Margaret Miner (French): Positions on Immortality: Mallarmé and Thetis
- Anna Gasienica-Byrcyn (Slavic & Baltic): The Music and Songs of the Tatra Mountains in Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer’s Prose and Poetry
- Tatjana Gajic (Hispanic & Italian): Tragic Roots of Genre: Rafael Dieste and María Zambrano’s Cervantine Turn
2:30-3:45 Sounds and Silences of Performative Politics (1501 UH)
- Yann Robert (French): Silence as a means of Liberation: Louis-Sébastien Mercier and the French Revolution
- Colleen McQuillen (Slavic & Baltic): Sounds of Deviance: The Graffiti Collective „Zachem‟ and Discourses of The Public Sphere
- Jenn Solheim (French): To Sound or Not to Sound: Digital Discourses of Conflict in Mediterranean Culture in French
4:00-6:00 Keynote Address (Daley Library, Conference Room 1-470)
Remarks: Imke Meyer, Director, School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics
Keynote Address
Gabriella Safran, Stanford University
The Irritating Voice and the Written Word
A light dinner reception will follow the keynote.
Fri, Feb. 28 Heading link
8:45 Coffee (1501 UH)
9:00-10:30 Transcription and Inscription (1501 UH)
- John Ireland (French): Talking about Theatre: Sartre’s Unknown 1959 Lecture
- Giedrius Subacius (Slavic & Baltic): History of Creation of the Lithuanian Alphabetical Order
- Nanno Marinatos (Classics): Talking Statues
- Zinon Papakonstantinou (Classics): Life Storytelling on Stone: The Monument of Polemaios in Claros
10:45-12:15 The Production and Breakdown of Meaning (1501 UH)
- Tom Roberts (Slavic & Baltic): “Everybody’s Talking: Nikolai Leskov and the Problem of the Addressee”
- Luis Lopez (Hispanic & Italian): Indexicality and the Argument from Binding
- Rosie Hernandez (Hispanic & Italian): The Politics of Contemplation in Counter-Reformation Spanish Art Treatises
- Michal Markowski (Slavic & Baltic): “He Had Cried Again With A Loud Voice”: Anaphora, Pain, and the Origins of (Western) Culture
12:15-1:15 Lunch (1650 UH)
12:30 Roundtable at Lunch: The Role of Supra-Departmental Structures in the Twenty-first Century (Imke Meyer, Rosie Hernandez, Gabriella Safran)
1:30-3:00 Bilingualism and Code-Switching, Panel 1 (1750 UH)
- Kay E. González Vilbazo: The Bilingual Sound Machine
- Sara Stefanich: Code-Switching (Or Borrowing) Within The Word
- Rodrigo Delgado: How Many Mental Lexica Does A Bilingual Speaker Have?
Terrorism and the Modern Self (1501 UH)
- Sasha Lindskog (Slavic & Baltic): A Lacanian Oedipus in Modern Saint Petersburg
- Mae Liou (German): Gender and the Making of a Terrorist: Vera Figner’s Memoirs
- Anton Svynarenko (Slavic & Baltic): Julia Loktev’s Day Night Day Night: The Terror of the Stupid Body
- Serhii Tereshchenko (Slavic & Baltic): Stepnyak’s Underground Russia: Terrorist Saints Become Knights
3:15-4:30 Bilingualism and Code-Switching, Panel 2 (1750 UH)
- Lucía Badiola: Case Across Languages: Code-Switching Between Ergative/Absolutive And Nominative/Accusative Languages
- Ariane Sande: How To Drop The Pro: Evidence From Code-Switching
Concluding Roundtable Discussion with Participants of Bilingualism and Code-Switching Panels 1&2
Resonances and Evocations (1501 UH)
- Heidi Schlipphacke (Germanic Studies): Echoes from the Future: Freud and Anticipatory Melancholia
- Steve Marsh (Hispanic & Italian): The Catacoustic and the Cosmopolitan: Rhythm, Timbre, Subjectivity and
the Incommunicable in the Films of Andrés Duque - Jane Battisson (French): Challenging Silence in Elie Wiesel’s Night
4:45-6:00 Sounds of Memory in (Post-)Communist Narratives (1501 UH)
- Olga Johnson (Slavic & Baltic): Watch out! Here Comes Lenin: Voices of Lenin during Perestroika
- Agnieszka Jezyk (Slavic & Baltic): Memory, Mourning and Writing in Broniewski’s “The Night Visitor” and its Punk Rock Interpretations
- Nina Breher (Germanic Studies): The Sound Of The Past As A Specter Of The Future: Echoes Of Rosa Luxemburg In Plays By Heiner Müller
6:00-7:00 Reception (1650 UH)