Guest Presentation 2025

Keynote Address (4:00 pm, UH 1501)
Literature, Culture, and Healthcare: A New Frontier for Language Programs

Lionel Cuillé (Washington University)


Abstract: How can we reposition our language departments as vital contributors to STEM fields while preserving our commitment to literature and culture? This presentation explores the role of language departments in the growing field of Medical Humanities, using the creation of the French for Health Professionals (Français Professionnel de la Santé) pathway at Washington University in St. Louis as a case study. I will share concrete strategies for revitalizing language programs by aligning them with high-demand fields without sacrificing our core mission. By integrating courses that address the intersection of language, culture, and healthcare, we can demonstrate the essential role of linguistic and cultural competence in professional domains while simultaneously strengthening our departments.


About Professor Cuillé:

Lionel Cuillé is teaching professor of French at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU). An “agrégé de lettres” and a specialist in French poetry, Cuillé is the founder and director of the French Connexions Center of Excellence. He has spearheaded a “French for Health Professionals” track at WashU, further reinforcing his commitment to connecting French studies with professional and interdisciplinary fields. This "filière de recrutement" has successfully attracted PreMed students to advanced French literature courses. His innovative approach to curriculum development aims to make the study of French relevant to emerging student niches, including those interested in health, global health, and political sciences.